Hoan is younger than me 12 years old, so in this article, I will give my first name to make it more familiar and easier to share the story I know about Hoan.

Hoan, is also the person who inspired and motivated me to write stories about CEOs, because when talking with Hoan, he exudes a positive energy. The stories you share, I myself cannot keep up with. Imagine: standing before my eyes is a Fisheries Engineer, leaving the white collar shirt, joining the blue collar group, to find a formula to create a career for myself. Formula for sharing, supporting, creating a working community, and helping our brothers in the countryside.
Hoan’s story motivated me to want to share the silent stages behind the journey of conquering CEOs’ aspirations for the community to spread positive energy.
Nguyen Van Hoan – Son of the Sea
Hoan was born and raised in Hai Thinh village, Nghi Thiet commune, Nghi Loc, Nghe An. This village is hidden in the mountains of Chicken Coop, Mang Mountain, and Mui Co. In the past, to get to the village, there was only one road along one side of the mountain and the other side of the sea. Therefore, the maritime profession is considered a hereditary profession, where “I (Hoan) and only a very few people in the coastal area of Hai Thinh hamlet, Nghi Thiet commune are provided with books to go to school.”
Not only that, Hoan is also an Aquaculture Engineer (NT 46. School year 2005 – 2009) at Nha Trang University of Fisheries, so the group that can go to school and go to university in that village is even smaller. People often call it “rare goods”.
Suddenly, for 20 years, Hoan has been attached to Khanh Hoa waters.
Struggling to escape poverty
With a thick central accent, Hoan shared that part of him was born from the sea, understanding the hardships of the sea people, the waves and winds, the profession of foaming waves and storms. Here, because the marine profession is a hereditary profession, the children rarely go to school but have to drop out of school to follow their father to fish for a living. As they grew older, the sea gradually faded, so young men in the area raced to work abroad to earn income to support their families.

Hoan and his wife have known each other since they were students, after graduating, they got married and worked in all kinds of jobs in Khanh Hoa… probably because of the coast, so together they chose Cam Ranh as a place to start a business, and Hoan Trang Linh Co., Ltd. was born from year 2010.

Hoan Trang Linh was the name of the members of Hoan’s small family at that time (his wife was Trang and his first daughter was Linh).

With the knowledge he learned, combined with the nature of a person from the Central region, a child of the Sea, Hoan went alone to the sea to make fish rafts and mollusks.
If you go to the Binh Ba area and ask Hoan’s house, many people will direct you to the house, because Hoan is now not only the owner of fish and mollusk breeding, but also the supplier of fish fingerlings and feed. fish, instructions on how to raise them, and even purchase products for people raising marine fish.
Find a job for you guys
Vietnam is rich in marine resources, the whole country has a total of 52 marine and freshwater areas for aquaculture. In the length of the sea alone, there are up to 3,260 km of sea routes along Vietnam, which is why Fishery has become a key economic sector in Vietnam.
Hoan, too, went to the sea to find a job. Initially, he raised fish near the shore, then with agility, Hoan alone went far from the shore to release fish cages.

The difficulties and obstacles are indescribable. There were many years when I thought I had a good harvest… natural disasters… but ended up losing everything. People who farm at sea have to do all the work themselves, from repairing machines, driving boats, cooking, and dozens of other farming tasks.

Hoan himself studied, found, and then produced fingerlings and mollusks to suit the terrain of Binh Ba, Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa.

Hoan’s career transmission and training journey is also very unique
Initially, needing workers, Hoan called his younger brother from the countryside to help, then his older sister and her husband, and then the brothers from Hai Thinh neighborhood.
During the time working together, Hoan guided and guided how to choose breeds, raise, feed, bathe, and take care of fish.

After that, Hoan will redistribute his share of cages to his brothers, go to another part of the sea to board the cages… and so on, every time he creates a new cluster of cages, Hoan will find someone to work with him. , guidance, after you have mastered the skill, Hoan will transfer it if you want to be independent and “have wealth”.

After many years of living at sea, Hoan returned to the mainland, but the son of the sea still clings to the sea, just with a different role.
Hoan provides fresh fish for food, acts as a general agent for fish food for a Multinational company, then supplies it to marine farmers, and then consumes the farmers’ products.

Coastal farmers, many times will not have money, they will advance seeds, food… Then when they sell, they will return the money to the supplier. So, Hoan became the general manager for the Binh Ba coastal farmers
Seeing Hoan’s long debt list, I can see that his worries for his brother’s job are not small and there is no guarantee, but Hoan still says “in the end, you guys have a job.” , we don’t have to export labor but we can still take care of our family.”
Hoan’s work, like accumulating small things into great ones, gradually joined one by one. Up to now, 22 households from the same hometown, plus University friends, have made mollusks and fish breeds in Cam Ranh, also more than 50. -70 people, counting the community that Hoan created has more than 200 people.

Still have to be a leader – Update new technology for aquaculture in the region.
Marine farming has been around for a long time among people in Vietnam’s coastal areas, however, the traditional cage system is easily destroyed and swept away during storms, causing great economic loss to the people.
In recent years, the HDPE plastic cage model is becoming a new trend, gradually replacing traditional surface cages.
Decision No. 1664/QD-TTg dated October 4, 2021 of the Prime Minister on approving the Project to develop marine aquaculture until 2030, with a vision to 2045, accordingly, will gradually change Change traditional cages made of wood, bamboo to cages made of HDPE material.

HDPE plastic cages are a model applied in aquaculture made from HDPE plastic material with high-molecular polyethylene plastic particles that are highly durable, waterproof, resistant to UV rays and environmentally friendly.
The benefits are like that, the quality is unquestionable, but to convince people who have been doing this job for many years, to change to a new material, unprecedented in Vietnam, and the price is also unprecedented. not easy job.
In January 2023, Hoan was the first person in the Binh Ba and Cam Ranh areas to deploy a cluster of HDPE cages for aquaculture at sea, although it has been several years since Hoan no longer farms at sea, only ordering and Let me do it.

Hoan confided, “Brothers and relatives, they have to see what I’m doing, see, and touch for them to believe. Only then can we make a gradual transition
Hoan’s favorite thing is “I hope that our brothers and sisters far from home can find a new land for long-term development, that our children and grandchildren can go to the best schools, and especially that we must unite our love for the homeland.”
If you could choose where you were born, you probably wouldn’t choose an arid, rocky area or a hard job. If you live, you should live a meaningful life. Mind learns how Hoan does things, gradually step by step to spread a useful community not only for herself, but also for many generations to come.