Workshop: MARKETING PRO & RIGHT for self-employed people, what’s different?

The last Saturday of June, in Hanoi, Mind Connector continues to conduct the Marketing Pro & Right workshop for self-employed people. The Mind team’s biggest concern is how to turn the formulas and professional language of Marketing into familiar words so that non-professionals can understand, practice, and apply to their business. 

The program is part of Mind Connector’s journey of sharing and connecting. 

What is the workshop organized by Mind?

In terms of the content and meaning of each Mind workshop, it is certainly no different from other units and organizations that have been taking place. 

The other thing is that the participants themselves talk, wonder, share their stories and after a round of discussion, the mentor will systematically summarize the content and point out the correct or incorrect points. according to everyone’s concept. 

Furthermore, Mind’s workshop is also a playground for you to practice, display and introduce your products, through which you not only have the opportunity to exchange and introduce products together, but also Instructions on how to display products and how to organize an event

Coming to Mind’s workshop, you feel more like going to a training session than listening to an expert talk

Marketing Pro & Right in the eyes and language of self-employed people.

Through the eyes of outsiders to the Marketing industry or even marketers who are now self-employed, they will understand and define Marketing as a process before, during and after creating a sales product. From the moment the idea comes up, to the moment the product reaches the user.

Marketing is understood as advertising activities, some people also know Marketing as 4P (Product, price, sales channel, promotion).

Most people have, are and will do many other marketing activities that they know, see and even hear about… For their sales activities, but the common point is that they don’t know what they are doing right? I don’t know how much money I spend and why do I feel like I work a lot and work for a long time without getting the results I want?

The point that most micro-enterprises and self-employed people often stumble upon is doing their own marketing. Hey, if you’re not familiar with marketing, how will you know if you’re doing it right or hiring the right people to do marketing? Mind even believes that you will apply your thinking about Marketing to your employees, but surely they only have one way to “live” and that is to do what you want! 

Mind experts point out some points:  

Habits of self-employed people: 

  1. Marketing is only done when starting the sales process
  2. One product, marketable to everyone, for many purposes and the more the better 
  3. Marketing is ah, necessary… but not really necessary, because there are many things to worry about. Not to mention that touching Marketing will cost a lot of money
  4. Marketing is doing it well, running ads on social sites, making video clips…
  5. The most obvious is participating in fairs, participating in organizations…

Problems that self-employed people or SMEs often encounter

  1. Incorrect product pricing
  2. Product design either pays attention, but doesn’t pay attention to the packaging, or pays attention to the product and packaging but doesn’t understand the brand, so the design, other than the lucky “beauty”, has nothing left to remember! 
  3. Trying to sell a product to everyone, from 3 years old to 90 years old, a cake or a towel…it can all be used!
  4. Selling for a period of time, if you see that the sale is not as expected, the easiest solution is to reduce the price.  

Các bước làm Marketing chuẩn và đúng (Pro & Right)Steps to do standard and correct Marketing (Pro & Right)

Market survey:

  1. You need to survey and evaluate the market, what is related to the product you want to sell.
  2. See how they – the previous ones, are doing, what prices they sell, where they sell… In general, the more information about the market related to your product, the better. This section, absolutely do not make or ignore it, and never think that your product is the first or the best. If you’re detailed, and careful, you’ll see that “out there” people have done quite a lot.   
  3. See and evaluate who buys their products, what are the buying habits of those buyers? How often do they buy, what do they praise or criticize? 
  4. After a round, you evaluate yourself so why do you want to join this industry? What guarantees do I have when entering this industry?
  5. And the last question you need to answer is Why will people choose your product? You need to consider this question to answer it most honestly, because If you are the first person to do it: but then not many people will know, your task will have to “teach” people how to use it. If you were born late, you have to be better or different from previous products for people to choose you.

How to start?

First: go from what you do best. For example, if you want to open a family restaurant, you should be a good cook and enjoy cooking

  • When starting from what you are best at, you find questions and answers for yourself based on the 5 W’s (Who, what, where, when, why – who buys, what do they buy…, to use for the purpose what, where to buy, when to buy? Why should they buy) and 1 letter H – How (how do they know and buy)
  • The more questions asked with 5W + 1H, the more information and methods will give you. 

TIP of this section is that you must identify your target customer file. Called target customers, because at this time, they have not yet bought or known your product. In this section, you need to remember that this target customer file must be enough.

Then, you begin your journey to find and do the first 2 P’s of Marketing

P – Product: it is not just about quality, but there needs to be a difference. It’s not just the intestines, but also the outer packaging. It’s not just a genuine, beautiful “shell”, but also a story about her!

The second P is Price: Based on the target customer file in step 1 plus the story in the product section, you set the price for him or her. 

TIP: At this stage, you need a measuring tape to see if the price you are going to give her meets, exceeds, or does not meet the standards of the “meter”.

Next you determine the remaining 2P. These are P (Place) sales channels (where to sell) and P (Promotion) promotional activities

Just like the article, when writing this paragraph, it felt long and tiring, so I skipped the last 2 P’s, and so should you!

So the final point, Mind gives you

Determine MIND in the big game

To go through the first 2Ps of product and product pricing, some people and businesses take at least 1 year, some people take up to 4 years, 6 years… by the time a well-rounded product is formed, you will break. burst into happiness: well, it’s time to get my money back, I can start getting the rice bags!

Mind gently reminds you, the stage and journey you go through is just graduating from high school, if you want to work and want to be a boss, you have to go to college or university. If you plan to still work, this is true, but Mind is sure you won’t make a lot of money and  if you want to become a boss again, it takes time, or you have to have something very, very excellent.

However, at this time, you may have run out of time, energy, money, many things… Even your ideas or creativity are temporarily gone, at this time you only have one worry: MONEY, so is that you rush into the sales process, sell regardless, you give to anyone…. And you FORGOT to create a business strategy, communication strategy…

At this time, you join the group of DUT workers without even knowing it. Greet everyone you meet, not to mention greeting acquaintances is the easiest, sell at any price, edit and fix whatever the customer wants to please God…

As a result, you struggle, manage… Then struggle again…….

If you have read this paragraph, Mind will give you a gift, please call 0983 999702, a Mind expert will directly discuss with you, to answer, troubleshoot… and who knows, we will give you a gift. companion for your business activities. 

The end 

Doing marketing doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, a lot of people, or just one stage 

Just imagine, Marketing is like your knowledge or image from small to large, each stage will have different knowledge and ways you apply knowledge, but it must be a continuous journey and improvement. At each stage of development, you will have different images. Because if not, at some point you will become obsolete without even realizing it or just live with the old aura that you can’t let go of.

Mind uses Charles Darwin’s quote as a conclusion: “The animal that survives in the end is not the strongest or the most intelligent, but the one that is the BEST ADAPTED.”

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