She has over 20 years of experience working in businesses specializing in manufacturing, consulting, design, construction, trading of pharmaceutical products, technology platforms, training…
Currently, she is Director of Hoang Trung Construction Design Consulting Company Limited (HCMC). Member of the Supervisory Board of Dai Quang Industry Company Limited (HCMC). Lecturer at BGS Global Leadership Training Institute. Brand Building Expert.

Mdm Helen Truong – People for the community, living to give

There are some people, the first feeling of the other person is “this person is extroverted and definitely inspires the other person very well.”
That is Madame Truong Nhu Hoa

After the exchange with Author Xuan Phuong, Madame Helen Truong always wondered, “What is the legacy that Helen Truong will leave behind?”
And the answer is “Value will create value” and the slogan that Madame uses is “Giving value, creating success.”
And that is also the journey to start creating values and giving away with a series of gift giving programs. 1,000 of my own books, expected to be published this year with the theme of book 1 being STYLE. The style of managers, of office staff, of students from first year to final year, preparing to graduate, and also an unknown audience so that you can learn and gradually perfect your style. own way.
Mdm Truong Nhu Hoa’s academic achievements can easily shock listeners: Master of Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Law, Bachelor of English Language

Mdm Hoa’s search for additional knowledge also crossed borders: she participated in Strategic Management courses in Korea, Leadership Management courses in Thailand, and many other training courses.

Participate in a training course with AI & IoT content, providing knowledge and applications for deployment at SMEs in Japan in early 2024

She can play 2 roles: Internal General + Diplomatic General

Mdm Helen Truong used to hold important positions in the organization such as Deputy General Director of Internal Affairs, Director of Human Resources, Head of Law Department, Head of ISO Department, Director of External Relations…

One of the qualities of people working in the positions of Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs is to speak fluently, convey and inspire internal customers and external partners.

And that was also the time for Mdm Helen Truong to become a professional speaker, expert, and trainer today.

Expert in building Human Brands for individuals

I worked with her for a while. At that time, I was in charge of sales, and the mindset of a sales person was to wear something that was quick, neat, and convenient to interact with customers.
Furthermore, I also assume that I should not wear bright, beautiful colors… and think that if I am more beautiful than the customer, it will be difficult to talk and work.

The day I led the presentation, Mdm Hoa asked her to give her 5 minutes and used me as a guide for how to standardize the image in the eyes of others. She paid attention to the hair, the outfit… Needless to say, I felt “uncomfortable”, but just for a moment, after examining it, I felt that this was completely reasonable and helped me a lot in approaching same customer.

Building a personal brand or building a Personal Brand is one of the ways to make your future work and career more successful.
‘Personal branding’ is one of the keywords that many people are interested in and learn about. Personal image is becoming more and more important. In particular, in the context that personal branding can bring great value and influence to family and career, it is increasingly focused on.

When you have a beautiful personal image in all aspects, you have many advantages to compete in any field or activity.

With Mdm Truong Nhu Hoa, there is no common formula for everyone when it comes to building a personal brand, each person’s individuality is specifically designed by the mdm to honor the strengths of the individual who needs to build a personal brand and create a difference. especially in communities and organizations.