MARKETING PRO & RIGHT for SMEs and self-employed people 

What is Marketing, but also Marketing Pro & Right? After contacting more than 400 small and retail entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business founders, Mind team realized that not only micro-enterprises, self-employed people, but also businesses Sometimes the revenue reaches several hundred billion, there are still extremely traditional marketing concepts and little periodic innovation and conclusion in business activities. 

Workshop MARKETING PRO & RIGHT is organized by Mind Connector

Mind defines PRO MARKETING as you must understand marketing professionally (pro – Professional)

It is not only understood in the word by word sense (translated from English word by word) with the meaning of Marketing as marketing, from which you may misunderstand that marketing is just marketing activities for sales. This is TRUE but NOT ENOUGH

Mind tells you true stories about this:

Story 1: What do you do? Yes, I work in marketing. Ah, I know, it’s like you guys market beer or cigarettes at the shop, right? Or should I hang some billboards? (‘+’)

Story 2: I do a lot of marketing activities, great, Instagram, clips… But when asked who can watch it, the answer is whoever wants to buy it can watch it. As long as there is a clip, someone will watch it, right?  

Surely you have been and are like that?

So what is RIGHT Marketing? 

Mind defines Marketing Right as the right activities for the current state of their business. However, you need to understand Marketing in a professional and methodical way, avoid spending too much money or saving too much money. In general, TOO much of anything is not good.  

360 degrees of Marketing, lessons and tools are available online and now there is also GPT Chat, but you need to choose which tools are right for you. 

Mind loves Darwin’s quote: The animal that survives in the end is not the strongest or the most intelligent, but the one that is the best adapted

So, do you understand what a workshop is? And how do you habitually participate in the workshop?

I bet that there are times when you attend a workshop just because of someone’s invitation with whom you need to maintain a relationship

Even though you said that you joined the workshop to learn more about something the owner wrote in the information

Or you know who the owner is and come to the workshop to meet that person…

There are even friends who go for fun, don’t know the content, don’t really have a need… Just being invited to go along

Mind gives you 4 tips for attending the workshop organized by Mind  

  1. First, you determine your mindset – come to the workshop to find out what you DON’T KNOW. Regardless of the information on the invitation, maybe you know, maybe you vaguely know, or even you know very clearly. It’s okay, just pretend I DON’T KNOW. 
  2. Bring a bag 3m to be ready to ask and answer with experts 
  3. Prepare a SHORT introduction about yourself to interact with everyone 
  4. Do your homework after participating in the workshop – you can send it to us or keep it for yourself

Welcome you with a new mindset and a bag 3m to join the workshop with us, held on June 29, 2024 from 9am – 12pm. At: Café Me Ly. 173 Truong Chinh, Khuong Mai Ward, Thanh Xuan District. Hanoi. Phone: (+84)983999702 or scan zalo QR code to join the program    

We hope you will:

  • Understand the professional marketing concept of Branding
  • You can “describe” (specifically and meticulously) some common problems encountered in the sales or communication stages. 
  • You can and should ask and answer directly with the EXPERT 
  • Make new friends
  • And especially: you will practice the sales “elevator pitch” – a conversation in an elevator with 30 people to effectively introduce yourself

Welcome to join the real battle team with the Mind team

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Hotline: 0983.999.702 (Ms Mandy)Zalo Page: Mindconnector VN