Vu Lan season, the season of filial piety… perhaps we don’t need to wait until the filial piety season for us to have those filial acts. But it has to be like a rule, reminding us, because who knows, there are too many things that distract us and we accidentally forget the kindness of our parents and siblings, and we… assume that it is our responsibility, our duty…
Vu lan filial piety!

A rose on your shirt!
For those who still have parents, for those who still have the opportunity to wear a rose on their shirt.
The feeling after a tiring day at work, you come home, someone is waiting, someone is asking about you…

I’m sure there will be times when you feel angry and annoyed because maybe you’re not in a good mood, your work is difficult… Trust me, if you miss that moment, you will feel extremely empty.
How long has it been since you last called your parents?
When was the last time you told them you loved them?
The time before… and many times before…

Gifts for Mom
Sometimes, we think we have to try to make a lot of money to provide better for our parents, to let them live in more comfortable homes, with more modern conditions…
But that’s just what you want, Not necessarily what parents want

Sometimes, the wishes of the elderly are so simple, so simple that we don’t think it’s a need. That is to be able to talk, to feel asked, cared for, looked after, and more importantly, to be proud of you!

You will and have heard sentences like this: “This can of milk, my youngest son in Hanoi bought it!”, “This shirt, An bought it when she went to summer camp”, “This moon cake, my daughter made it!”
Every sentence contains the pride of our parents in us!

Gifts for my brother!
It is not difficult to realize that there are many brothers who influence the development and shaping of our personality.
The authority of the elder brother and the responsibility of the eldest brother in the family are very heavy and noble. When the parents are old, when the parents pass away, the eldest brother in the family becomes the pillar of the family.
Have we ever remembered our second brother when we have been grateful everywhere outside?

Rambling thoughts on the Vu Lan season of filial piety, Gift For You – G4U dedicates to you the most profound and subtle words of gratitude to your family, we will accompany and write your story or the words you find most difficult to say through practical actions

Gifr For You – The story of Gratitude!